Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Hump Day

Preface: I'm not corecting any typos and I see i already made one and corrected two that I made but already changes. oops, there's another.

I love nights like these. Like tonight. I was feeling all crappy and moodly )('nother typo) and was all set to hit the sack at like 6 p.m. after watching Jack and Josh, okay 'nother typo, that's supposed to say Drake and Josh, and then we watched Ned's declassified, and then we moved over to Disney and Zach and Cody's Suite Life and then by then, I'd had it. Our neighbor's duaghter, 'nother typo, in fact, I'm awaer or everyone of them, envn those two or three i just made like awaer, opps oops, did it again: aware, oops even. OK. FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS. This is hard.

Anway, Oops, wTf? I cannot do this after friningking. That is supposed to say drinking.

Long story, too long already. Neighbor called us over. SHe's a pharma rep and had a lunch today for doctor's but the docotrs (DOCTORS) dobule (DOUBLE) ordered, so she had all this loeftover (WTF, in my mind I can spell all these words for crying out loud)... all this leftover food so she invited all the negihbors over for dinner. Weel, (WELL!) dinner included wine.

So, you get the picture. Anyway, I love our neighborhood. Therea re down to earth real, real real people pliviging (shit, that spells LIVING!) HERE and I love that about our neighbors. And I drank red wine toinght and we calll (ALL) know what happens when I drink red wine... I GET PREGNANT WITH DAUGHTERS. Fortunately, hubby, who drank some wine too, and then some Crown Roayla (whtaerver--ROYALE) shots, he is passt out so i don't need to worry about making any babies tonight.

So, tahts' it. I just wanted you to get a feel of what it's like around here on a random Wendesday night when i was all set to hit the scak (SHIT that spells sack!) at like 6 pm. and just og o to sleep and wak eup the next day feeling fine. Now I'll wake up awith a hangover probably, but nother's on the sechecudule for tomorrow, and if you're an agent reading this, give me a break because I've bgenn under a lot of stress lately waiting for you to call me to sign me up as a client already! It's stressful!

So, that's it, and I promise, promoise, promise, PROMISE that I will pick the winnders of the candy bar contest tomorrow and announce them by Friday> I was at the store looking at all the fun candy bars today (before I got a buzzon) and there's no chance in hell I'll be finding a Marathon bar for Mr. R. Martini so you just better pick a more realistic candy bar dammit!

That's all folks! hope your hump day was as interesting as mine. Can't wait to read all my tyupos tomorrow, including that one where I spelled tyuops but it should bE TYPOS. I know thtat, what do you take me for, an idiot of some kind?

XO Manic


xxxx said...

HA! Ha ha ha ha ha ha. You cannot, I repeat CANNOT, change this when you read it again in the morning.

I hope you don't have a headache :)

Sara Hantz said...

OMG this is the funniest post ever.............

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Sara--I cannot wait to read your book! Thanks for commenting! (If you still wanna candy bar, go ahead and leave your choice on the candy bar page if you haven't already--OH WAIT, you live tooo far away! LOL.

Swish--I won't go changin', try to please me... I won't change the color of my hair.

MamaK--ain't no time for a hangover tomorrow baby! Thank God the kids can finally make their own damn waffles!

xo, Peace, I'm out!

Anonymous said...

You are sooo cute when you blog inebriated!

I get your point about the Marathon bar and the Curly Wurly.

How about a Krackel? That's my final choice.....and can you include some of that wine you were drinking...;-)

mamashine said...

You rock. That was so funny. I won't be drinking anything for the next year or so, so I have to live vicariously through those of you who can. :)

Anonymous said...

Soooooo FUNNY!!! I think the heat and the alcohol got ya!! Hope you dont have much of a hangover, And your Tim Tams arrive safely!! :P


jsut wondering, how did you go with the word verification whilst drunk (in the comments section)

pog mo thoin said...

Friends don't let friends blog drunk ... ok, no they do because they are the best blogs! Excellent stuff!

Allison Winn Scotch said...

I am literally wiping away tears! If only I were as brave as you and didn't constantly hit "delete" for my typos. Funniest thing ever! It's like when celebs appear without make-up: when writer's appear without the delete key!

Anonymous said...

oh manic manic manic, someone better take the keyboard away from you beofore do some real damage...

Andie said...

I was trying to figure out how you mastered the word verification too! LOL

Jess Riley said...

I love it. (I just corrected two typos in that three word sentence, because guess what? I'm drunk too!!! Onw hite wine. Heeeee!)

We need to reunite at the midwest lit fest because like Peaches & Herbs says, Reuniting is where it's at, dawg.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... I think you are guilty of BWI. (blogging while intoxicated). Its endearing though. Who hasnt e mailed or blogged drunk now and then? Or even better called a bf/gf or an ex while drunk. HA!