Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Real quiet now, because I think if I say it out loud I might just completely freak out:

I have an agent!


Anonymous said...

WOO HOO!!!! I'm freaking out for you! Details, details, we want details! So happy for you!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh oh my gosh...I'm SO GLAD I CHECKED IN! This is fabulous!

xxxx said...

You KNOW how I feel about this!!! YAYYY Manic! You rock! You are the most talented, fabulous BBFF EVER!

mamashine said...


Drewpy Drew said...

Wanna share?

You are so my hero right now. Just don't forget the little people.

Frannie Farmer said...

Yahhhhoooooo! I am shouting from the rooftop. Ok, well I'm not but only because it's effing snowing here again .. but I am thrilled for you and I CAN NOT WAIT to read your book.

Oh yeah, and what Drew said .. don't forget us little guys :)

The Cat said...

Well done. That's very cool !!

cubmommy said...

That is awesome!!!!

OhTheJoys said...

Great news!

Anonymous said...

holy crapola. WONDERFUL NEWS!!

Amie Stuart said...

Congratulations!!!!!!!! that's fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Appletinis for all!


g. said...

Way to go ! You SO deserve it...


Kim Rossi Stagliano said...

Yeah baby! I am so happy for you! Hard work DOES pay off. Good luck selling the MS!

I'll never tell said...

Tell us more, tell us more.

I'll never tell said...


MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Hi guys--thank you! thank you! I am so excited about this. But I'm trying to look at it very humbly, and know that it is just another hoop that I've jumped through in this publishing industry.

However, I am VERY happy with the hoop who has chosen me and I of her!

Will be updating my homepage soon with more info at

Thanks so much for all the congrats and for being happy for me! I know there are many of you who read and post who will get there too!

And Amie--HOT BOOK COVER! Yowza!

kim said...


Barbie Jo Mahoney said...

Happy Dance!!!! What's that saying: "good things come to those who wait". We want to hear of a sale soon!!!!

Iris said...

WOOOOOO HOOOOOOO, that is awesome!

Trish Ryan said...

YAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!! Omigosh, I am SO excited for you.
I'm not surprised, because your writing is funny and fabulous.

I'm clearing a place on my bookshelf for your book!!!

domestic_valerie said...

Yip!! Yip!! YIPPIEEEEEE!!!!!!

We don't have to be quiet over here!!!

Anonymous said...


Woo hooo

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Trish--you have me laughing!

Where do you want me to go? Or is Get Away kinda like GET OUT!!??!?!

Amie Stuart said...

LOL Thanks hon...I Love it. And congrats again!

Anonymous said...

Hey dont forget your tim tam aussie mate....

Many congrats I'm so excited for you.....

Now I'll have to send a case of tim tams for ya....

violetvirus said...

Why did I check your blog way too late...anywho...CONGRATULATIONS!!!one step closer happy for you over here! :D

Anonymous said...

It was time someone- other than us recognized your genius.

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Thanks so much guys. I think it's starting to sink in a little.

I don't think I'm going to go into details on Manic, but there's a little bit more info posted on:

Thanks again!

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Oh, and Drew, it's heroine, not hero. Had we not had this discussion some months ago?


BTW, what's YOUR agent scoop?

MQ said...

Wow! I leave for a few months and you get all official on me :)


Anonymous said...


Shannon McKelden said...

Way to go, Stephanie! I'm sooo happy for you!

Anonymous said...

YAHOOOO! Congratulations MM! If I could do backflips I would, but instead I'd probably just end up flat on the floor on my face.

Great numbers for the workout this week MM! You're gonna have to change your name to Hot Momma with numbers like that. :)

And thanks for the nice words about the press release. I made sure to answer all your questions on the comment page.

Anonymous said...

Get Away = Get Out

eatmisery said...

Congrats on getting an agent! That's wonderful news!

Stephanie J. Blake said...

Moldy Cheetos and Holy Mojitos! I am thrilled for you! An agent is HUGE! See...I didn't check in for a week and look what I missed! Here's to a quick and big sale!

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Thanks everyone. And if this is not THE FUNNIEST THING I'VE EVER READ:

Moldy Cheetos and Holy Mojitos